bertindak lamban bahasa Inggris
- bertindak: act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir;
- lamban: slothful; slowgoing; languid; indolent;
- lamban: slothful; slowgoing; languid; indolent; desidious; work-shy; slow; inactive; lither; accidious; lazy; sluggish; procrastinate
- bertindak: act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir; bestired; bestiring; call into play; called into play; calling into play; get action; geting action; go into action; got action; take measures; take ste
- berjalan lamban: lumber
- momen-lamban: moment of inertia; second moment of area; second moment of inertia
- berjalan lamban dan riuh: lumber along (by); lumbered along (by); lumbering along (by)
- bodoh dan lamban: torpid; unmoving; lethargic; inert
- momen-lamban poler: polar moment of inertia
- bertindak adil: do justice
- bertindak balas: react
- bertindak bebas -: taking own line
- bertindak berlebihan: overreacted; overreacting
- bertindak dengan: did on; do on; doing on
- bertindak gigih: persist
- So I act feebly, keep a little and we'll see ...
Jadi aku bertindak lamban, melihat sedikit dan kita akan melihat ... - Masteron Enanthate is the anabolic steroid that is slow acting but act for the longer period of time.
Masteron Enanthate adalah steroid anabolik yang bertindak lamban tapi bertindak untuk jangka waktu yang lebih lama. - At the UMNO General Assembly in 1998, a leading Anwar supporter, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, criticised the government for not doing enough to combat corruption and cronyism.
Pada musyawarah nasional UMNO tahun 1998, seorang pendukung Anwar, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, mengkritik pemerintah karena bertindak lamban dalam melawan korupsi dan kroniisme.